Principal Message

Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

From Principal's Pen,
It gives me extreme happiness and pleasure to write down this heartfelt message. Jimp Pioneer School has made many strides to keep up with the growing challenges of the modern world especially in the field of education. We do believe that communication builds up relationship therefore the need for instant communication between parents and the school is a priority in today's dynamic environment.

Thus to have effective communication and to bridge the gap between parents and the school, I invite you to visit our
school website -: www.jimppioneerschool.com,
Youtube Channel-: https://www.youtube.com/ channel/UCVv6Tt4vwfb75kHNeK9EruQ,
Facebook Page:- https://www.facebook.com/ jimppioneerschool/ which will give you a detailed analysis of your ward's day in school, information of the class, inter-class and inter-house activities, progress report and outstanding achievements. Thereby we intend to increase your involvement in the growth and learning of your children. Our goal of education and co-curricular activities at Jimp Pioneer School is to teach our students to live confidently, to interact with others, to love creation, to think freely and creatively.

Thus the focus of our education is the formation of young minds and help them to evolve into women and men of character, conscience, compassion and commitment. It is indeed in and through education that we can hope for a harmonious society. A special note of thanks to all the teaching and non teaching staff, parents, alumni, well wishers and my dear students for your co-operation, hard work and unflagging enthusiasm as well as your constant and continuous support at all levels.
Thank you.

For any queries regarding admission process and other details about the school
please contact at +91-8958575612